Work in the cloud or locally?

Discover the different deployment environments and choose the one that best suits your organisation. Not sure? No problem. We will gladly advise you with the best option for your organisation.

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Working in the Cloud

Zeticon takes care of everything and hosts your Media Asset Management as a SaaS solution. Many organisations are now taking the next step to the Public Cloud. Why opt for a cloud solution?

  • Continuous monitoring
  • Total care
  • Cost-effective
  • Easy to maintain
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On-premise environment

You can use our MAM solution on your own server. This means that you are fully responsible for the correct estimation and possible up- or downscaling of the required infrastructure. What are the advantages of an On-premise environment?

  • More control over your data, installed versions, backups, data security, support, operating systems and the network.

The disadvantage of such an environment is that you are responsible for back-ups, data protection and other security risks.

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Hybrid environment

It is also possible to combine on-premise functionality with SaaS capabilities. This is called a hybrid environment.

Here you enjoy the benefits of both a Cloud and an On-premise environment.

hybrid zeticon
Choose the right environment

We are happy to guide you to the best environment for your organisation.

Contact us