Solutions for cultural heritage services

How do cultural heritage services use our digital hub?

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To preserve the cultural heritage of a region or institution for future generations, our solutions are used to archive valuable material. Zeticon offers various solutions to local history societies, museums, libraries, research institutions, and so on. to store, manage, preserve and publish their collections.

Coastal Heritage, for example, was created to safeguard the cultural heritage of the coastal region. Four, and soon five, municipalities are joining forces to highlight local cultural heritage, such as archaeological sites, landscapes, monuments, archives and historical objects.

Through a centralised platform you can safely manage your heritage, enrich it and make it available to public users. A digital hub with flexible search options and an easy way to import metadata makes your content easy to find. Create your own metadata schemes to meet the needs of your organisation.

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Digitising your collections

Zeticon cooperates with various partners to digitise your collections in a safe way. Whether it's slides, maps, photos, letters, or anything else, we make sure that after digitisation your information is kept safe and sustainable.

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Secure management and storage

With our SaaS solutions, you can safely manage and store your collections. We make sure your platform is easily searchable and easy to manage and share.

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Make your archive accessible

Thanks to our rich Open-Rest API, we can make your collection accessible to different audiences. Decide what you want to share publicly and unlock your digital assets in different ways.

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Keep your digital content safe

Ensure that your archive is stored and preserved for the future. Guarantee the digital durability of your files not only from a legal obligation but also from a cultural-historical point of view.

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