What is information management?

Organisations often struggle to make a smooth transition from paper to digital information management. In addition, the explosive growth of various types of information has an impact on all processes within the working organisation.

Structuring your information, both online and offline, increases retrievability and thus facilitates the work within your company or board. In addition to time and energy, it can also save or save you a lot of money, for example if the evidence is not lost in the mountain of information.

Information management means streamlining and structuring this information from a holistic and IT-agnostic approach, from its creation to its eventual destruction. An effective information management plan is an essential part of good organisational control.

Zeticon offers crucial support tailored to your organisation.

Do you also ask yourself the following questions?

  • What rules should I follow when creating information?
  • How do I generally map my process-related information?
  • How can I archive and destroy my digital information as automatically as possible?
  • When and how do we deploy Teams, SharePoint and OneDrive For Business?
  • What is the policy on e-mail?

Then you are probably looking for a good way to shape your organisation's information management.

Treed in hun voetsporen

Deze organisaties gingen je voor

Logo Mee Moo
Logo gemeente helmond
Airbus Logo 2017 svg
Logo vlaamse overheid
Basic principles

The 4 principles of good information management

To achieve efficient information and archive management within your organisation, we start from several basic principles and conditions.

  • Life cycle management
  • Information structure based on work processes
  • Unique files
  • Maximum information sharing

Life cycle

Mapping out what will happen to the process-related information. Archiving requires that work processes and the information systems used for them are designed accordingly.

Unique files

Unique files are complete (contain all information), qualitative (contain the right documents), well-structured (clearly arranged with a work process aligned structure).

Information structure based on work processes

By properly structuring the information structure based on processes (and their components), users can quickly find the right documents.

Maximum information sharing

This means that staff members must be given the widest possible access to files. Of course, here we always take into account restrictions for business-critical and privacy-sensitive information.

Waarom een e-depotoplossing van Zeticon?

Een modern e-depot


Tekst over toegankelijkheid

Conform OAIS-model

Onze oplossing past binnen de referentiestandaard voor een Open Archival Information System.

GDPR compliant

De wet-en regelgeving nauw in de gaten gehouden.

Informatie blijft authentiek

tekst over authenticiteit

Flexibel metadatamodel

Uiterst flexibel metadamodel die voldoet aan de TMLO en de MDTO-norm

Garantie op informatiebeveiliging

Zeticon beschikt over een vast en gecertificeerd managementsysteem voor informatiebeveiliging.

Uiterst beheergemak

Uw team kan snel, makkelijk en autonoom werken met het platform. Van zelf gebruikersrollen en rechten toekennen, zelfstandig wijzigen van metadata, tot individueel en bulk opladen van bestanden.

Een efficiƫnte en effectieve autorisatiemodel

Wijs autorisaties op een effectieve en efficiƫnte manier toe. Single Sign On via Azure Active Directory nodig? Dit is perfect mogelijk!

Who is an information management course for?

An information management course is for the organisation that:

  • Realises that they get stuck in organising and structuring their information
  • Gaining insight into one's own work, information and data management processes
  • Want to get the digital (and physical) document flow under control
  • Want to ensure information security (GDPR...) in an effective way
  • Want to share and make information accessible to the maximum using the right software
  • Want to implement a future-proof archiving policy

Contact us

Undraw version control re mg66

Maak je digitale informatie openbaar

tekst over archiefportaal

Undraw website setup re d4y9


Met ons bewezen aanpak kunnen we vloeiend data migreren naar ...

We ondersteunen de volledige migratie van je informatie met bijhorende metadata naar het e-depot.

Undraw data processing yrrv

Multi-tenant omgeving

Tekst zoals rhce/utrechts archief

Undraw Collaborators re hont

Do you want to start an information management programme?

Contact us for a successful and sustainable information management project.

Information management offer