News in the market: VIAA launches 'The Archives

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The Archives

An efficient online platform for the VRT and other cultural organisations

On 8 November 2019, the official launch took place of "The Archive", a user-friendly and online search portal successfully built on our MediaHaven archiving solution. To make this possible, more than 100 partners from the cultural and media sector, including VRT, joined forces with the Flemish Institute for Archiving (VIAA).

VIAA collects and manages large quantities of Flemish audio and video material in the MediaHaven platform. "The Archive" makes more than half a million audiovisual items accessible to a wider public. For the first time it is possible to search descriptions, keywords and technical data of fragments from the Flemish cultural, media and governmental sector. Everything the VRT could digitise is currently stored in MediaHaven, although on the platform you will also find audiovisual material from national and regional broadcasters, performing arts organisations, museums, archives, some universities and government institutions.

For the time being, the images and sounds are not immediately available through "The Archive", as many of them are protected by copyright. However, the intention is to make this possible in due course, so that people can view and listen to the images and sounds immediately.

Since at VRT a digital overview has never before been made available to the public, the development and launch of the online archiving platform is a unique step in the right direction. A platform where our MediaHaven solution served as the foundation. Something we at Zeticon are very proud of!

More information can be found on the VRT website.


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Written on Thuy Nguyen

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